Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Religious remarks judiciously used helps scripts

I love Hindlish and Gunjrejee so will do that way...

Now a days we are having dim focus on religions examples .. May be modern trend requirements...

My work on adoption is a silent one as it concerns individuals privacy but content sharing I m permitted. Guide couple by giving them lord sheer Krishna श्री क्रीष्ण example. He gave strong principles for biological parents देवकी - वसुदेव and nursing are जशोदा- नन्द

Similar sentiments are also shared in a very good movie step mom by Susan sarandran and Julia Roberts...

Bio - can give life...nurs - can make LIFE!!!After adult hood no parents!!!!!!!!

Mahabharata characters those with non bio progeny have excelled .भीष्म is the best example .Potentially great but a सेवक concept..!!!! Like many govt servants ! able ..But still inferior to decision makers ( political wing).

In hindu myth कर्ण learnt from परशुराम. for that he even cheated his guru by acting as a brahmin ..the need for speciality .At last guru found out he is not brahmin ब्राह्मीन but a kshatriya क्षत्रिय (after that scorpion bite he did not disturb his GURU ... and got himself शापed that he will loose whatever he has learnt when it is needed most !!! )

Specialization and mentor is thus old wine in new bottle ...Myth and examples from ancient holy past are making the preacher a कथाकार . Some without any religious bias is always good..Some times a lot is said in one liners or two liners some श्लोक, commandments

Respecting elders especially guru is lifted further when some ancient poet says

गुरु गोविन्द दोनो खडे किस को लागु पाय ?

बलीहारी गुरु आप की गोविन्द दियो बताय !!!!!

Every time one feels that some thing is taken a way from. After some TIME it is returned... for some new horizons ... more then many incidences can be quoted even personal ones...


One hardly sees differences between religions basics of ceremony, take a marriage for instance

“In sickness and health... I declare hus and wife .. u can kiss the bride

(See in public also it is allowed only now!!)

Or the Muslims NIKAAH आप को कबूल है? ... Both partners asked by काजी (the neutral guy consults in person)

Hindu હસ્ત મેળાપ, सप्तपदी, कन्या पधराओ सावधान!!( Pl notes this last warning!!) The swvayamvar स्व्वयम्वर प्रथा gave selection chance to girls!!

The psychiatrist’s world level conferences ... some western guy start his lecture with अर्जुन विषाद ... a lecture on anxiety!!!! Why we still do not like our own stuff and via west is the best?!!Audience eager for new is many a times less echoic in religious examples as they feel they know the best its nothing new but if some new dimensions ....new perspective is carved out ... some parallel thoughts some lateral thinking usually wins audience perceptions ..

:- When during some un usual power failure railway was not functioning for a day...the silver lining thought came was ........

Maninagar railway crossing was not a traffic jam and was OPEN ALL DAY !!!!!!

ADL activities of daily living ... rehabilitation is raising a person to archive standard normal adl. If we can do something ... will give lot of praise and fame .. As in तारे जमीन पर film the best dialogue is spoken by Amir Khan’s friend

“ये मा बाप को तो मालुम है के उनका बच्चा ज्यादा से ज्यादा कोइ बडी मंझील तक जाने वाला नही हैफिर भी छोटी छोटी सफलता से भी कितने खुश है

(a super example of acceptance!!!!!In a world full of competitions!!!!)

Thanks for a passionate reading,

☺ δr. Ḧë®,∑åπT G ʝ♀$ђ! ☻

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